Heaven on earth is Freedom. Hell on earth is slavery
Heaven on earth is Freedom. Hell on earth is slavery

Heaven on earth is Freedom. Hell on earth is slavery

Heaven on earth is Freedom. Hell on earth is slavery

Freedom does not guarantee happiness, but it does guarantee freedom. Slavery always guarantees unhappiness/suffering and never guarantees freedom. think people are too obsessed with the positive ideology, without facing the negative and embracing it for what it really is then we have lost all power to create the positive here. As long as we ignore the negative, we ensure that we constantly get more of it.

Of course, I’m not saying be the negative, or obsess or dwell on the negative, I am talking about being conscious of it so that you can learn from it and use it to transmute it into positive without this knowledge and power you always end up in self hedonism.
Negative is not the problem, it’s what you do about the negative that is the problem. You’re not powerless to create change in this world, or within yourself. But as long as you ignore the negative about yourself in the world you will have no power to create change, because it’s not the positive that must be change it is the negative that must be changed.

It’s not the good that’s occurring in the world that is the problem, it is the wrongdoings that are occurring in the world that is the problem every wrongdoing is the destruction of another living being’s freedom, until we recognize that right action and wrong action are directly proportional to the expansion of freedom or the destruction of freedom then we don’t understand the requirements for freedom.

There are really only two actions you can take in this world, it is either in harmony with freedom, or it is out of harmony with it. It expands freedom for it destroys freedom. That’s all it is it is very black-and-white when it comes to this. Every moral action in the universe is an expansion of freedom, every in moral action in the universe is the destruction of freedom.
Until we start to see our behaviors in this viewpoint then we will never meet the requirements for freedom. Unless you are gauging every action through the idea of it is either expanding freedom in the universe or destroying it then we really don’t care about freedom.

All negative behaviors destroy freedom, all immoral behaviors destroy freedom, all wrong behaviors destroy freedom. Absolutely immutably, unwaveringly long as we fear to face the negative then we will be controlled by the masters of this world.

By Brandon Martin (2014)