Hedonism and Slavery
Hedonism and Slavery

Hedonism and Slavery

At a certain level society/slavery thrives off of your hedonism. Where most think that hedonism is an act of rebellion, in truth it is nothing of the sort besides a false rebellion of their true selves. Wherever there is imposition there is rebellion, but what you are rebelling against is of crucial importance. If you are rebelling against Truth and freedom, it is not such an intelligent place to be! The hedonist children that thrive in neurotic/neurosis state of nihilism, are only rebelling against their imperial self, because at some deep level there is an amnesia that is plaguing their minds that is seeded in deep trauma and cultural programming. the social engineers of this world have done such a number on people’s minds that they literally have convinced them that rebelling against truth, nature, and spirituality/morality are somehow going to lead them to a state of freedom and unity. This is the epitome of the dark occult motto of order out of chaos yet there is a truth to order out of chaos if we apply principles but when we do not meet the requirements order out of chaos ends up just being another Hegelian dialectical manipulation to trap human consciousness in a secular cycle of self-perpetuating suffering and enslavement thus creating more chaos instead of order.

I am not saying don’t be happy, so don’t take my words and think that I am saying “Brandon said not to be happy” and that “if I’m happy it’s not okay.” That is not what I’m speaking of here. There are things that are correct that make you happy, there are also things that are wrong that make you happy. Simply, happiness does not equate to freedom, nor does it equate to truth, nor does it necessarily equate to goodness. It can, but in the majority, I see that it is not. Example: if the news broadcaster made you feel happy about something that he said, this does not necessarily mean what he said is true. Our Truth discovery methodology must be fine-tuned through the trivium. Thesis – Anti-thesis – Synthesis and Grammar – Logic – Rhetoric. Not putting rhetoric before grammar or logic. If I have a coffee cup and my coffee cup is not black, does this mean that everything that is not black is a coffee cup? Obviously, everything that is not black does not mean that it is a coffee cup. Apply this to happiness; thesis: everything that makes me happy is good, right, and correct. Everything that is good, right, and correct must make you happy then? Anti-thesis: obviously everything that is good right and correct does make you happy. Synthesis: everything that is happy does not necessarily mean good, right, and correct.

It’s in the word as well, people can be happy about anything that has happened, because it’s all a state of mind that stimulates a chemical response that we call feelings. Just because it feels good doesn’t mean it’s right. And just because it makes you happy doesn’t mean it’s right. Another good example would be a psychopath. Psychopaths are happy when they are expressing their vile ideologies of violence onto other beings, the world banking elite are happy when they are robbing from the poor. Being happy doesn’t mean that it is morally justified. the pursuit for happiness can only be a right when it is in harmony and alignment with objective morality, truth, and natural law!

The pursuit for happiness is always to ensure one thing… that you will never be happy. Just make sure you’re being wise because trying to be a teacher to others and not being clear with the information can lead others down pathways and consequences that you might not have foreseen, that can be very good or very devastating. Actually, one of the biggest issues with people is that they’re too focused on being happy instead of being FREE. Remember happiness is always subjective based on the individual, and it can be programmed into an individual. When they said the pursuit for happiness is a right it wasn’t referring to personal pleasure, it was referring to the ending of slavery and suffering. We have to be very careful with this because it is unwise to promote such behavior and it is the promotion of emotional mind control, which leads most people to hedonism. People can be happy in a state of slavery, people can be very happy doing wrong things. What should come first is whether you should be doing that or not and that is all based off of right and wrong. There are things based in happiness that are wrong. And people do not want to deal with this especially ones who are under super egotistical ideologies. Most people will give up Freedom for happiness.

Hedonism is put under the idea that the pursuit for happiness is the most important thing in one’s life, failing to understand that the only way one can truly be happy is through real freedom. but I also would distinguish happiness from hedonism, hedonism is the ideology that says the sole purpose of life is happiness. I disagree with this, obviously it is a component to the purpose of life but not the sole purpose nor is it the most important thing we should focus on especially when we are currently enslaved. There are things such as requirements and mechanisms that must come before happiness to create that condition. A lot of people won’t like this because in the new age groups they want to teach you that nothing is required for a state of happiness, and yes happiness can be very subjective meaning that you could experience happiness in a state of slavery, but then I must ask are you truly happy or is it just a momentary blip of happiness. It’s similar to an abusive relationship, some people are very happy for moments in their relationships but then the next thing you know the abuser beats them bloody and that’s not holistic happiness. So that is more accurately termed a moment of happiness but not what I would declare to be holistic or true happiness. happiness also has within it the word happy which implies something that has happened with the expression of pleasure for that moment that has happened or is happening. do not take me the wrong way I’m not saying happiness is not play a crucial role in our development or experience here. But when your happiness can be used against you so that you stay in a sort of Stockholm syndrome within an abusive relationship such as the one that we have with government then I would say that we need to re-check what we consider to be acceptable for that expression of happiness.

The hedonic people do not have the deep intimate connectivity to the understanding of potential of infinite universal worth, they did they would not be so easily controlled manipulated and dominated. In this state of mind, the fear is so strong that as soon as they get a glimpse of their inner potential, they flee 1 million times faster than they arrived. It is not the tyrants of the world that people should be externalizing their power onto but the tyrant of themself that is of crucial importance for them to understand. This does not mean to ignore the presence of tyrants in the physical nor is it saying that those tyrants are not morally culpable for what they are doing but if it was not for the aggregate individuals being complicit in sorcerers’ mindset, they would have no power. To understand the imperial self, one pretty much must walk into hell and do the shadow work, otherwise it becomes repressed and finds weaknesses in your psyche, giving way for the tendency to release violence on to others in a vast number of different expressions. All hate starts with self-hate, and chronic hedonism starts with self-loathing and ignorance. This was in no way excluding that culture indoctrination plays the primary role in the way people think and behave but this is about individual self-responsibility for those who are capable and mature enough to understand.

We must not externalize our power and become victims of this mindset nor abdicate our ability to make changes and choices for ourselves. We can see through the study of epigenetics that the environment plays one of the biggest factors into why people behave the way they do but it does not negate their personal responsibility to make their own decisions and we must understand that their mind is the other aspect of the environment that they are in. We cannot exclude freewill from these equations. We are the ones collectively that create the condition that we are co-experiencing.

In our culture we have obfuscated the individuals value (which is of infinite worth) being determined by way of proxy through monetary value. This is a common mistake which is definitely driven through cultural and religious mind control. Money is the biggest religion of this world. this is why we will find that hedonism is tied intimately with monetary value. The idea that the more money you have the happier you will be which has been disputed throughout time. Some of the richest people have let it be known that they are not happy no matter what because they are lacking true self-worth and a connection to the higher self. the pursuit for happiness ends up equating to the never-ending pursuit for money or happiness is just a fleeting experience that passes you by as quick as it came. I’m also not saying that you should not work to take care of yourself but I’m saying that you should not get locked in the mental cage that prevents you from seeing through this type of manipulation.

People who live this way believe that they are actually free when in fact they have done nothing but perpetuate the system of slavery that they claim to stand against. None or more hopelessly enslaved, than those who falsely believe they are free. And I would say that none are more hopelessly enslaved than the ones who willingly except slavery. hedonism is an addiction; I would say that the root of most addiction has an intimate relationship with hedonism and it also in my opinion is a psychopathology.

A Person who truly loves themselves would never stand for slavery nor slavery onto their children. I would never stand for children being enslaved, which is blatantly what you are saying. All man’s law is only complied with due to fear of punishment, it is based upon dogmatic believe systems, and completely based in moral relativism. Natural law is based upon principal and truth the only true authority in the universe. It is harmonized with due to knowledge and understanding. It is universal existing applies everywhere.

“It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in the war. “

“True liberty is in the central property of objective truth and morality. Therefore there can be no true liberty in a civilization that enshrines moral relativity. When humans feel, thinking I consistently within natural law, the result will be liberty and true happiness. Until then, we are simply handed privileges disguised as freedoms by our masters.”

The Masters rely upon our ignorance, as long as you continue to not think about it you will constantly get more of it. That is the definition of ignorance. A person who ignores that he is a slave, has no reason to fight for freedom. There will never and has never been any legitimacy to slavery, all the arguments have been stated for centuries, and empirically have been disproven. All slavery is the most corrupt form of evil that could ever run amok in this world.

By Brandon Martin (2015)