The false “new age” notion of positive vs. negative
The false “new age” notion of positive vs. negative

The false “new age” notion of positive vs. negative

The false “new age” notion of positive vs. negative.

People should be very cautious about confusing elemental powers and the polarity of inner source energy with human behavior. Elemental powers, specifically the polarities of positive/electrical forces and magnetic/negative forces in nature being confused with positive/good and negative/evil behavior from human beings.

These are very different applications of the context and I find most have not ever talked about the definitive deference of the two. Positive and negative elemental powers are both neutral, they are not good nor evil, they both work in alignment with each other to create that which is, they are the Sacred genders of creation or the Sacred Feminine and Masculine attributes of existence. Neither of these are good nor evil they just are

Human behaviors on the other hand, are not neutral, since human beings possess the capacity for holistic intelligence and free will, there’s is a hugely different context when we’re speaking a positive and negative. People tend to confuse the two and talk about them as if they are the same or synonymous, when in fact they are not. Elemental powers have no Freewill or the ability to steer itself away from causing harm. A tornado cannot decide not to destroy a village, lightening does NOT choose to electrocute, energy does not choose create evil consequences. Whereas human beings are capable of choosing to steer away from negative consequences because of their intelligence, reasoning, knowledge, and free will. This also known as religiously and superstitiously anthropomorphizing elemental powers or adding human characteristics to elemental powers where there are none. We must be careful not to anthropomorphize energies with the concepts of good and evil. Anthropomorphizing elemental powers leads to religious indoctrination which tends to give the individual a perception of the universe that half of it is evil and half of it is good, which is completely wrong when one using their ability to reason. Half of the universe is not evil, and if you think so then you’re under religious mind control. When can exhaust ourselves showing how wrong this is but for this I will only give a few examples.

Let’s take a look at a battery, a battery has both positive and negative polarities, if one of these polarities of this energy are removed and we try to use that battery in a flashlight, then it would not function or come the light would not come on properly, thus giving us what we could call a bad result or non-functioning. If these two natural polarities that are in balance with each other or charged then the result will be what we call good or functioning. We say thing like that soda machine is “out of order” meaning it is not functioning properly and the result of us placing an order we will not get what we ordered. If we ask ourselves if the universe is functioning the way it is meant to i’m sure we will say it is, thus the result of it’s function if that of goodness. When we place an order into the universe based on cause and effect we get exactly what we are supposed to get based upon what we have set into motion through our consciousness and actions. It is not a personal force so it may not be what we wanted because we do not fully understand how to properly place an order to the universe. If we went to a restaurant and did not know how to communicate with the server we most likely will not get what we are trying to order. We lack the grammar that is necessary to meet the universal requirements to get good results at this point in our history or in other words we have not understood Natural Law and how to live in harmony with it.

There is no evil in a tornado or electricity. There’s no evil when a tree consumes water to create fruit, the tree is naturally always in alignment with these two polarities. Even though we might perceive the death of a tree to be bad, it is not. The tree does not have Freewill, meaning that it does NOT have ability to govern these energies. Like I said, it is in a natural state of balance within the two polarities. There is no evil in a tornado that has taken your house out, but there is evil in martial law and slavery. There is no evil in a flood that has destroyed your crops, but there is evil and acts of arson and vandalism. You do not look at the negative polarity of magnetism and say that that is evil, you do not look at the negative polarity of electricity and say that that is evil. These are natural expressions in which that we have applied human characteristics to which has degraded the actual information. There is evil in men who have the capacity to know not to do a specific action that causes harm and still chooses to do that, actually, that is where all evil exist. Evil is a choice which can only be made by beings with the capacity of holistic intelligence. Since human beings are the agent of reasoning to to understand objective morality it is their responsibility to thus live in harmony with that knowledge to reduce and steer away from unnecessary harm being done upon other sentient beings. There’s a such thing as objective good and bad, objective morality, objective right and wrong and it is not because man has said so or all “relative,” this is something that is built inherently into the governing dynamics (cause and effect) of human behavior.

We also need to understand that the idea that the middle path is gray is part of the issue. Because gray can waiver dramatically depending on which energies are in control or overtaking one another. If the darkness is overtaking the light the gray is still existing yet the light is diminishing. If the light is overtaking the darkness the gray is still existing but yet the darkness is diminishing. This is the issue that we seemingly tend to separate these two energies not realizing that they are one.

Evil is a choice, only made from beings with the capacity to know the difference between objectively right and wrong behavior. You are very different than plaque and a fire (elemental powers), because you have the ability to make a choice you are not predetermined to do the things you do. Fire or plaque is completely choices-less, absent of the ability to discern right action from wrong action. Human beings on the other hand have the capability to do that, which make you the agent of the ability to respond thus, it is a responsibility or an ability to respond. Considering that we have the capability to know whether we should or should not perform certain actions, it then gives us the responsibility to act upon that knowledge in accordance with that understanding to create true wisdom which is moral action. Right and wrong do matter because it means the difference between Truth or falsehood, and freedom or slavery. Freedom is always 100% good and moral, slavery is always 100% Immoral and evil. Whether we want to except that or not is irrelevant. Everything that is evil destroys freedom, everything that is evil limits the potential for freedom to manifest.

This ideology that energy is evil and that the universe is half evil gives people a lame and erroneous excuses for humans to justify their evil behavior and allow evil to run amok all over this world. It make people passive in the face of evil deeds and or them to abdicate their personal responsibility to deal with it when it is in their presence. Saying that somehow that all the evil deeds that people are doing and have done balances out all the good is utter nonsense and is based on a religious dogma which does not hold up through true scientific research. Like you have to have an equal amount of rape to that of consensual sex activity for it to balance out, or for every baby born there has to be someone that dies… This is a logical fallacy and propagated by the dark occult sorcerers who rule the minds of men in this world. This comes do to our ability to reason correctly, it is mind boggling that it is mans job to reason but yet he has loud error to rule his mind.

When it comes to negative “vibs” we must us a great deal of discernment to fully understand what this means. Most falsely think that the vibration is “bad” or “negative” when in fact it is simple a means of transferring information to Consciousness. The Vibration is not bad but it may be telling us through the information it is carrying that the environment, person, or situation could be bad or go wrong if we continue to engage in/with it/them. We also must take into account the receivers underlying trauma, if the receiver is damaged through trauma we may be interpreting the information wrong which I have found that most are. It is a very low percent of the time that a person is truly listing to they intuition rather than their triggered trauma. There is a difference between the underlying trauma and an authentic intuitive thought/feeling. People have a really hard time distinguishing one from the other, and this has led to many logical fallacies. It is what I call emotional mind control, where you are solely gauge a thing only based upon how it makes you feel rather than that of critical thinking and discernment. Of course you should never negate the emotions but understand that they can waver radically away from the truth.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
~ Nikola Tesla

Right and wrong behavior comes down to the simple question. Does the behavior lead to the consequences of a violation of other beings Rights or the destruction of their freedom at any level? Does it cause unnecessary harm or not? If it does, then it is absolutely immutably and unwavering a wrong and a immoral behavior no matter what we “want” or may perceive it as. Since we have the capacity to understand the difference between the objective notions of right and wrong behavior, this gives us the ability to respond or the responsibility to that knowledge to uphold those ethical Principles, and live through a path of non-coercive live style. If we say we want freedom we have to meet the requirements of the Natural Law because we live in a reality-based and cause-and-effect. We have to recognize that evil only exist within beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence meaning those who are capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong because nature has determined those boundary conditions for us. It’s one of the most beautiful things about human beings, that we have the ability to choose to do good because we conceive of it ourselves not because it is forced upon us. The deterministic component to reality is Natural Law and the Random component is Freewill. These two components determines the results of our experiences here.

Natures true homeostasis is balance, and human freedom is true balance and the natural state for us to live in, that balance is only manifested through the application of the understating of Natural Law. Since human beings have the capacity to wield positive and negative energy for good/morally or evil/immorally, they now have the responsibility to understand the natural homeostasis of those two energies together. When I am speaking of positive and negative energies I am not referring to them as good or evil, positive and negative energies arr simply neutral energies like the positive and negative side to a battery. Neither of these are good nor bad until they are wielded. The level of consciousness that is willing to use to energies determines the outcome or results. If the energies are radically out of balance, then we can safely say that the being wielding that force is not properly using them, and thus, the consequences will be a bad result and once taken to the aggregated level of the human race it will be catastrophic. Vice versa if those two energies are put into balance or a natural state of homeostasis, and the being chooses to do what he knows to be right in the face of all the fear, he is putting himself in the most natural state of his true being he could ever be in because it is aligning consciousness and actions in the universe to be in homeostasis with that which is or Truth and Natural Law.

Since human beings have the capacity of Freewill to wield “positive” and “negative” energy dualistically, they now have the responsibility to understand the natural homeostasis of those two energies together. When I am speaking of “positive” and “negative” energy, again I am not referring to them as good or evil until they are wielded. The level of consciousness that is willing to use energy determines the outcome or results. If the level of consciousness of the being wielding energy is very low and they themselves are radically out of balance from Natural Law then consequences will be evil and catastrophic especially at the aggregated level of humanity. Vice versa if those two polarities are put into balance or a natural state of homeostasis, and the being chooses to do what they know to be right which is Wisdom in the face of all the fear, he is putting himself in the most natural state of his true being he could ever be in because it is aligning their consciousness and actions in the universe to be in homeostasis with that which is or truth and Natural Law.

To resist all forms of evil is the true enlightenment. We cannot justify evil behaviors through the balancing nature of the energies within the universe this is a logical fallacy. This is where we are trying to mold the universe and to our liking, so that we allow these imbalances to take place. It’s a very strong tactic of the ego-mind to get the higher Self to stand down in the face of evil and fall into the lower self modalities. In times of such imbalance it is necessary for lightworker to step up and shine brighter so that the balance may be manifested. To justify all the evil doings in the world through this babel BULLSHIT is a fallacy, it is exactly why evil is overtaking the world and what evil needs to over take the human mind, it is evil itself. This puts one in the position to say that I do not have to do anything to create change and even if I did I cannot because it is just “natural” it will “balance” itself out… This is also the religious thinking of pre-determinism and the absence of an individual’s ability to create change through free will action.

Freedom is vast possibilities, with these possibilities comes the high chance for chaos. But chaos is the teacher, it is only whether we are willing to learn the lessons that chaos is teaching will we actually expand and grow be on the constant insanity of repetitive cycles of self destruction. Simply put there is no true evil in nature, and when we justify our evil through nature we have already been conformed to evil itself. There is unnecessary chaos which is Violence and unnecessary suffering and necessary chaos which is about learning and Growth. We need some chaos but not all of chaos is what we need. Unnecessary choas is evil and the other is not.

Problems are not supposed to be repetitive, problems are supposed to evolve along with the consciousness itself. When the problems do not evolve it is simply because the consciousness that which is observing the issues has not learned lessons in which has not diagnosed the causal factors of the issue nor have they actually applied action to change the causal factors to get a different result. Problems are meant to evolve with the expansion and evolution of consciousness, if the problem does not evolve and we are stuck in a repetitive cycle of un-change.Evil is the destruction of Freedom.

So next time you’re speaking about positive and negative make sure that you are in full awareness of the context you were speaking of it in. Are you speaking about human behavior or are you speaking about elemental powers, vibration, and polarity?

A lot of this is rooted in primordial fears of darkness where we have associated darkness to be evil or bad, and then also associated the feminine attribute to the principle of darkness that’s leading way for a lot of oppression towards the feminine gender which is part of the issue. Light/positive and darkness/negative are but measurements of the same underlying energy. This is also where we get so much negativity towards the female gender because we have Associated the symbol of female to darkness and simultaneously bad or evil. But the female energy nor the female gender is not naturally bad or evil we are not born bad. And if you think we are then you are thinking that it is pre-ordained to be that way and you’re free will choice has no consequence. Darkness is associated with fear because darkness is where the predators lie, it is the unseen realm, it is the vastness of unknowingness etc. but it is not evil. It is just as equally as important to understand the negative as it is to understand positive and when we fall into an imbalance of only focusing on the positive we are starting to downgrade and dilute to our own internal positive and negative forces of masculine and feminine.

This is where the false notion of karma comes in the play, thinking that some outside force governs whether a good and bad action will take place, it is an idea of preordained deterministic existence. There is karma but it doesn’t work like this, it does say since this bad action has occurred then this good action must occur to balance it out or since that person did wrong the universe will make sure he gets his… This is just another excuse for people to sit back and do nothing in the face of wrong doings. I’ve even heard people say that Karma will preordain you to come back into existence into a bad life so it balances out the bad that you had done in your previous life which is utter bullshit. A child that is born into an abusive parental relationship, it’s not because of its previous life that that child is having negative consequences it is because of those two individuals that are freely choosing to do those behaviors that are causing the negative consequences there’s not some outer force that is governing or pre-ordaining that child to be abused….how sick are you to think that?All of this is about abdication of personal responsibility and trying to disown your bad actions on to some other elemental power. Nothing but excuses for the wrongdoings that are occurring….a cowardly way of justifying your actions.

We must be very cautious when it comes to our ideas, words, and concepts that we are trying to use when speaking to other people and when it comes to our own worldviews. Please do not confuse your internal polarity of positive and negative energy with external behaviors of good and evil actions.

By Brandon Martin