THE SCIENCE OF NATURAL LAW; A pragmatic and realistic approach to manifesting Freedom.

“Fear not the path of Truth nor the lack of individuals walking on it.” ~ JFK

When it comes to our world today, there are very few who are actually on the path of Truth, most people are stuck on their everyday feed of lies from social networks and Hollywood fantasy-driven lifestyles. We are all struggling with the multitude of massive problems, whether it be Environment, Economic or Spiritual. These issues are baffling even to the most intellectual among us. The reason why is because of the absolute ignorance of the aggregate of humanity to the Laws of Nature and the root Causality of the condition that we are facing, we do not understand the requirements that are set in stone by Nature to manifest what we “say” we “want.” Another is because we have been desensitized and dumb down to such a level that commonsense is no longer common, we lack empathy at even the basic levels. Why has this happened some may ask? I would say it is because we have been “conditioned” (Mind-controlled) to such an extent that we are living in the mindset that we cannot even discover Laws in Nature for ourselves. We have been programmed from the shadows of society by a group or cabal comprised of an interconnected worldwide expert dark psychologist who are adherents to a geo-political agenda or New World Order and even possible corporeal metaphysical beings. Seated in and behind every Government there are a few ancient bloodlines who rule the world and the direction humanity has been headed for thousands of years. Most people don’t want to hear the Truth about this. They would rather live in the web of lies that has been built up around them and within them falsely thinking that these things are only a thing of the past. We are so entrenched in our everyday digital world that we can’t differentiate Falsehood from Truth, Reality from Simulacra or the Matrix of artificial control from the Ordering forces of Nature.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.” ~ Soren Kierkegaard

Currently, we are living in a Technocratic Occultocracy (Occult; Hidden), and we are ravaged with slavery, pestilence, and war! Most have become hyper-identified to this system of control and the belief in authority, a state of hyperreality. Government is the great leviathan which is the manifestation of our internal schisms. When we see massive violence taking place most are so desensitized, they don’t even blink an eye towards it. Their humanity has been utterly massacred and shredded up into a pulp. This is a psychic-tyranny which is perpetuated by the social engineers of our time.  The ego-mind is what rules this world with an iron hand and I’m here today to help lend a hand in trying to mend the power differential by educating people to Natural Law Principles. Without this knowledge, our endeavors will be bulldozed without any kind of real resistance. As long as we fail in the understanding of epistemology and Causality, we will not make any movement toward reconciling our immoral condition. We are more alike than different but if that difference is in the understanding of Objective Morality it becomes a problem for all of us. The ignorance of Natural Law Principles is our self-inflicted enslavement.

We are living in the gravest of times. The world is filled with not only psychopathic pedophiles but also ancillary psychopaths. Our whole world has been brainwashed because of our ignorance and/or nescience of the Occult. This is to bring about a new type of global control which is not new at all. For this to be done the entirety of the “image” of man or “self-image” must be shifted in consciousness without the victims ever realizing it is happening to them. We must be epi-genetically changed and dumb-downed to such a level that we willingly accept our chains. In our current state, we are living in an occulted/covert Tyranny which is the most efficient at keeping the chains on the minds of men.  

“The man who realizes his ignorance has taken the first step toward knowledge.” ~ Max Heindel

Considering that most of the world is already in this condition and has balkanized epistemology to the degree its core teachings are all but lost. The disconnect from the True Self leaves most lost in internal anarchy (internal non-ownership), suffering from the absence of self-rulership, apathy, confusion, cowardliness, and anxiety. Most never truly heal from this because they are kept in a continual state of scarcity and survival modes which are rooted in a chronic left-brain imbalance that places the executive commands in the R-complex of the brain which creates what is called Master think this prevents higher-level thinking or wholistic thought and compassion. We cannot be in survival and growth at the same time. The other side to this coin is the chronic Right-brain imbalance which places the executive commands in the limbic system of the brain creating willing prey or slave think which also prevents higher-level thinking from the neo-cortex. One can go back and forth between the two at certain times.   

All is not lost; we are capable of co-creating a positive outcome but for this to happen we must understand the requirements to make that shift and manifest the change. We have to get on all fronts and fight in a combined effort by becoming fully aware of the Laws of Nature.
The first enemies that must be fought are the inner enemies and then the external groups of psychopathic Archons. We must have a firm grip of our enemy’s minds set otherwise we will lose this war for freedom. The enemy is made up of some of the most educated in the ways of Mind Control or psychology and subversive manipulation. They own all the media, schools, publishing companies, think tanks, military, intelligence agencies, etc… THEY OWN IT ALL! It is a big club and you aren’t in it! As George Carlin said. This is why we must de-occult (remove the hidden) the knowledge that is required to level the playing ground. What they truly fight is something beyond the finite powers of the dark they fight against is the infinite source energy of the Youniverse. The syntrophic force of manifestation. Nothing can stop this force once it has gained enough momentum. For this to happen we must raise our consciousness above the level of the problem. We must live in harmony with Natural Law Principles and teach others to do the same. We must fight with all our WILL power to resist and put down those who are infringing and impeding our Rights. For this to take place we must KNOW, with no question, the requirements to bring about a new shift in consciousness towards what is Objectively Morally correct and Good. It is because we lack the understanding of the Causal Factors that we continue to perpetuate unnecessary suffering in the world.

The coercion of the State must be brought to an end by whatever means necessary and this means the end of the State. I hope to inspire a more productive way of transition for the process to take place but it is a safe bet to say that one day we will need to take forceful measures against our oppressors to end this cycle of slavery. We must never leave out this possible outcome for a solution if we do, we have already lost. I think we need to understand that it is going to take a multigenerational progression towards true Freedom to have it manifest.

“If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti.

We will be covering all this in my breakdown of Natural Law. Let us get right to the point of the matter.

What is epistemology? Epistemology is the study of Knowledge. What knowledge is, how can we be sure it is real or true, how we gather if it and how can it be justified.  
What is Truth?

Truth is simply that which is, that which has occurred in the past and what is occurring in the now.
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What is Natural Law?

Natural Law is a set of Universal, Inherent, Objective, Non-man-made, Eternal and Immutable, Binding conditions which are the Governing dynamics for the consequences of beings with the capacity for wholistic intelligence, and the understanding of the difference between Right and Wrong or Non-violent and violent behavior/actions.    

Natural Law has been known by many names such as Moral Law, Cosmic Law, Universal Law, Consequentialism, Karmic Law, God’s Law, and Cause and Effect. Natural Law has nothing to do with Darwin’s theories of evolution regarding “Natural Order” or “Survival of the Fittest.” Darwin does not have a monopoly on the world Natural or Nature. 

Your belief is not required for it to be in effect and the worst thing to do when it comes to finding Truth is to just believe. DO NOT believe me do your due diligence into the work and test it to find out if what I have said here is true or not.

First, let’s take a look at the etymology of the words: Natural and Law.

The English word Nature is derived from the ancient Khemitian/Egyptian word NTR, meaning God or Divine. Which was symbolized first as a double-headed Axe known as the Gavel then a Single-headed Axe or Flag on a pole. Which represented Forces in Nature which were only known to exist because of their observable effects (like wind).

Natural: Inherent; have a basis in reality and Truth; not made or caused by mankind, of, from, relating to God.

Law; An existing condition that is binding and immutable.

As we can see by the definitions, we are dealing with the fundamental understanding of the invisible Causes and its visible effects. Some refer to these Causes as the Metaphysical or Spiritual but let us use the word Causality. Just like any of the Laws of Nature we can discover these and come to understand them for better use of our experience here on this plane of reality. It is no different than understanding Gravity or the Law of motion like Inertia. The science of Natural Law is just like any other science and is understood just like any other science. Natural Law refers to the use of reason, intuition, and logic to analyze the nature of Cause and Effect to deduce binding rules of Moral behavior which are derived from the nature of reality.  

Let take a look at the word science; it is derived from the Latin verb scire; “to Know.”

1: the state of knowing: knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

2a: a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study

the science of theology

b: something (such as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge

have it down to a science

3a: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through the scientific method

b: such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena: NATURAL SCIENCE

4: a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws

cooking is both a science and an art.

As we can clearly see based just on the definitions Natural Law meets all criteria for it to be a Science. Natural Law has been and will always meet to requirements of the scientific method because it is based on Objective Truth. The action and its effects are the OBJECT which in turn is either a violation of somebody’s Rights or not. This is why it is Objective and man’s perception does not govern whether the action is Moral or not, the results show us that Cause and Effect do based on what has actually HAPPENED in manifestation. Which is repeatable and will give the same results every time. I will walk you through a few examples of this.   

In light of Natural Law, how does this apply to Man’s law?

Natural Law is antithetical to positive law (Latin: ius positum/lex humana) or Man’s Law. The concept of positive law is distinct from “Natural Law”, which comprises inherent rights, conferred not by the act of legislation but by “God, Nature and/or Reason. Natural Law is not based upon the whims of human perception but perception is the tool from which we can come to an understanding of Natural Law. Our job is to align perception of reality when it comes to Moral conduct. Man’s law is fatally flawed based on its presupposition and underlying premise.

Let take a look at the suppositions.
The premise is that it is “ok” to use coercive methods to have done in society what “I” want as long as it is legislated and agree upon by the group. Man’s law uses the threat of violence and holds people under duress so that its magical “superhuman” powers can be implemented. Man’s law is based on the presupposition of moral relativism which is the idea that man gets to decide rather than discover what actions are morally correct or what is immorally wrong.

“Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, and wants it, and loves it.” ~ Mikhail Bakunin 

Many Great Philosophers have been proponents of Natural Law from Plato, Benjamin Tucker, Mikhail Bakunin, Thomas Aquinas, to Ralph Waldo Emerson. But the Stoics are probably the most well known for their ideas of Natural Law; the Stoics idea of Natural Law was indifferent to either the natural or divine source of the law: the Stoics asserted the existence of a Rational and purposeful Order to the Universe (a divine or eternal law), and the means by which a Rational being lived in accordance with this Order was the Natural Law, which inspired actions that are in accordance with Virtue. To understand true virtue, we must understand Morality.

What happens when Man’s Law is in harmony or parallel with Natural Law?

If “Man’s law” is in harmony with Natural Law it is redundant, unnecessary and non-binding. For example, writing the Law of Thermodynamics or Gravity down does not add any weight to its legitimacy nor does writing it down bind anyone to its effects. When did you even need to read about Gravity to actually come to an understanding of its workings? Yes, maybe you didn’t even know it was called Gravity but you still fundamental understood its effect upon you from the experiences gained from cerebral consciousness and your interaction with it. And yes, I know most do not refer to it as a “law” but I’m speaking of the force that is in effect, call it whatever you like. This has and is the same as Natural Law, we come to an understanding of this based on what has actually occurred in reality. The visible results of the actions that have taken place. We have all of the information that is required for an in-depth understanding of Natural Law. This is where books are of critical importance because it gives us a gateway into the experiences of others and how the effects have taken place throughout history. Even when it comes to fiction the hypotheticals and allegories can help us in the inquiry of understanding the Principles of Natural Law better. But this is not a necessity for you to gather the information needed to understand Natural Law, one can discover this knowledge solely based on personal Gnosis or self-experience.  

All man’s law is powerless without enforcers. The only real reason man’s laws have any weight is that we believe in them and then act upon that belief which is contrary to Natural Law because your belief is not required for the effects to take place. The consequences of the action performed does not waver based upon the individual’s perception of the action or its effects.        

When it comes to the idea of Man’s law being the same as Natural Law, we must ask some critical questions and test its limitations through a means of reasoning. In the Summa contra Gentiles Thomas himself writes of “divine positive law” where he says “Si autem lex sit divinitus posita, auctoritate divina dispensatio fieri potest (if the law be divinely given, dispensation can be granted by divine authority)” But this is contrast to Mikhail Bakunin’s take on Natural Law and what could be stated as “Divine Authority” which he states;

“The liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the laws of nature because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever, human or divine, collective or individual.”

We see two very drastic worldviews of the nature of the Cause. Such as Mikhail who was Atheistic and a Materialistic in his approach to Freedom. This has led to I believe an unnecessary divide within the Anarchist movement that is very irrational and overlooks the most important part which is the Principles. This has been and still is one of the biggest problems we face and I hope to shed light on how to reconcile the issue between Materialism and Spiritualism later in this essay and we will see why these must be bridged for any type of progression in the Freedom movement.  
 We also see the idea of “Divine Authority” in the Founding father’s statements of the Declaration of independents;

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Let us take a look at the idea of “Authority” and “Divine Authority.”

I am a Pantheist A.K.A simple Deist.    

What is a Right?

A Right can be understood easiest by looking at what wrongs are or an apophatic deduction. There no way to list all the Rights a sentient being has but we can come to understand what a Right IS.

A Right can be said to be any Action that does not Violate or cause Harm to another Sentient Being. It is that which does not destroy freedom through or by means of violence.    

“A Man’s Natural Rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringements of them is equally a crime; whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man calling himself a robber, or by millions calling themselves a government.” ~ Lysander Spooner

The best way to understand Rights is through apophatic inquiry (APOPHASIS). The type of critical thinking can help us to understand what a Right actually IS by understanding what actions are NOT Rights because they violate or cause harm to other sentient beings.

A living being or their property must have been harmed in order for a violation of NATURAL LAW to have taken place. Any action which does NOT cause such harm is a Right.

“if there is no victim, there is no violence.”
 The best way to understand what a Right is is to understand what it is NOT.

What are the Natural Law Transgressions?

Murder, Rape, Trespass, Coercion, Assault, Theft, and Lying.
 Every harmful action that a being with the capacity for wholistic intelligence is a form of Theft. In every case, some form of property is always being stolen when a wrong-doing is committed. Life, rights, and Freedom are all forms of property.
But all morality is subjective isn’t it?

Everybody thinks Morality is subjective until it comes down to them being violated. If it is subjective then who gets the final say in the matter? For example, if you have a rapist, is his subjective term of morality superior to the victim’s idea of morality? If yes, then it would be that rape is moral to the rapist if he/she deemed it so. If no, then why does the victim get the moral high ground? If you say that it is because he/she is the one being harmed thus they have the moral high ground the supposition is that morality is objective. If we say that the group determines morality, what happens when a group of rapists deems it moral to rape? Does it make it moral in manifestation? We know that this idea is dogmatic and serves us in no way for improving the dynamic of behaviors between Humans. It is the idea that the “mob” rules and gets to decide what is moral or good and what is not.         

To better answer these questions, we must take a look at the difference between Force and Violence. All forms of Violence are in opposition to Natural Law and in such are antithetical to Freedom. A person or person’s property must have ACTUALLY been wrongly harmed in order for a Violation of Natural Law to have taken place.

Force; the Generation of the Moral initiation of physical change; Actions that do not violate other Sentient Beings Natural Rights. Actions which one always possesses the Right to take including self-Defense; Actions that never result in the Destruction of Freedom, therefor is in harmony with Natural Law. 

Violence; the Generation of the Immoral initiation of physical change; The immoral initiation of Harmful actions, that are in opposition to other Sentient Beings Natural Rights; Actions which one never possesses the Right to take; Actions that always result in the Destruction of Freedom, therefore is in opposition to Natural Law.  

Violence means “to violate” which one NEVER possesses the Right to do because it VIOLATES another Rights and in doing so causes harm or the destruction of another’s Freedom.

How does consent, coercion and voluntarism play into this?

What are the 2 Pillars/Principles of Enlightenment?
 The First “Pillar” of enlightenment is the Sacred Feminine Principle, also called the Non-Aggression Principle. One could, more accurately call it the Non-violence Principle because not all Aggression is going to violate some else’s Rights but for the sake of this, let’s stick with NAP or NVP. The Principle States: DO NOT ENGAGE IN VIOLENCE. In other words, do not immorally initiate non-rightful use of physical power to coerce, constrain, or compel the Rightful physical behavior or Free Will choice of another sentient being. Most new age teachings and teachers do understand this Principle but fail in the understanding of its partner which must be wed for true Enlightenment to take place. 
 The second “Pillar” of enlightenment is the Sacred Masculine-Principle. Also called the Self-defense Principle. This Principle states: All Sentient beings have the inherent Right to use Force to Defend themselves from Violence conducted upon them by another. This is the main Principle that is left out of the new age teachings but must be incorporated true Enlightenment to take place.    

“Self Defense is Nature’s oldest Law. ~ John Dryden

“I don’t even call it violence when it is Defense; I call it intelligence. ~ Malcolm X
 “Self Defense is justly called the primary Law of Nature, so it is not, neither can it, in fact, be taken away by the laws of man/society.” ~ William Blackstone

“Self-defense is not and never can be violence; it is an act of Force made from the basis of SELF LOVE” ~ Brandon Martin

Can you delegate a Wrong?

No, we cannot take a wrong and delegate it to make it a right because it is still based on violence and destroys another Freedom. If you do not have that thing, in reality, you cannot give it to another. You do not have the right to violate another sentient beings Rights, thus you cannot give that away and magically make it so.  

What about Moral Obligations?

Moral Obligation depends on 3 fundamentals;

1. Vital Consciousness; The level of source energy in a manifested form that determines the Cerebral/Physical capabilities. At lower levels such as Vital Consciousness in minerals or plants do not have the Cerebral/Physical capabilities thus have no moral culpability. At higher levels of Vital Consciousness more complex forms are manifested up to the Cerebral Consciousness which in turn creates more moral culpability and obligations.

2. Cerebral Consciousness; Awareness of necessary present information and comparison of the events taking place. The lack of this is nescience. If my neighbor has a tree that has fallen on him and I have no information about that event taking place which in turn means I cannot do anything about it I hold no moral obligations nor culpability for him dying.

A lion does not have the neo-cortex activity that is necessary to be able to cognize what morality is and is not capable of surviving by any other means, such as growing plants or digesting plant matter thus has no morally culpable for killing another animal. (this connects to #3) If the available information is present in the form/being and they have the ability to cognizes and compare the events then criteria # 3 must be met before it is a moral obligation. 3. Capability; The ability to do something with the Awareness and Vital Consciousness. One must be capable of actually acting to change the events taking place. A completely paralyzed person is not morally culpable if a baby drowns in front of them in the presence of the fact that they are absolutely incapable of changing that event. A child under the age/capability of reason is not morally culpable in the face of a murderer if the violator has come into the child’s house and killed his parents in front of him/her. If all three criteria are met being The Vital consciousness has manifested a form that has the Cerebral Consciousness/Awareness to comprehend the available information and is capable of manifesting a change through physical interaction it is now a Moral Obligation to act in hope to create that change to prevent the event of harm from or further occurring thus they are now Moral culpable for both action and non-action.

Does Property exist and how does it apply to Natural Law?

Yes, Property does exist and is crucial to the Natural Liberties of any sentient being. All things have Properties and though the terms are used in different ways they really do fundamental mean the same thing. It is no coincidence that we use the same word for things we own and definitions of things in Nature and what they have and do. The properties of water are a description of the radiating expressions of water and what it can do, and we can safely say that those properties belong to water and not to fire. We use the phrasing that it “belongs to” the thing in which we are defining. Though this is an example in Nature and not for Beings with the capacity of wholistic intelligence and Free Will. The point is to understand that things to have properties that belong to them and not to something else in the most general sense. When it comes to Sentient beings there are many examples we can give, such as, the properties of the body or consciousness but we must first understand what Ownership is.

Ownership: To own a thing means that, regarding that thing, an individual maintains:

1. Rightful Possession
2. Control of Usage
3. Responsibility.  

What is Anarchy?

The etymology of the word Anarchy.

Anarchy comes from the Greek prefix an; “without or absent of” and the Greek noun archon; “master; ruler.” This translates to the absence of a master/slave relationship or in other words the absence of Slavery.  

Anarchy is the life and conduct under which social interactions exist without government interference or assistance or in other words a condition in which we do not use coercive means to build culture and society. It is not chaos, nor terrorism, and has no connection to senseless violence; anarchy is simply existing without being governed by other beings who think they have the right to rule over you and the product of your own labor. True harmony in such a society would be obtained not by submission to man’s laws, or by obedience to any form of authority, but by freely entered agreements between individuals. An Objectively Moral and voluntary interaction of conduct without being stolen from by any means and by all parties engaged with.    

“Anarchism, then, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals for the purpose of producing real social wealth; an order that will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full enjoyment of the necessities of life, according to individual desires, tastes, and inclinations.” ~ Emma Goldman