Mathematically the police and the military perform more actions that destroy people’s freedoms than any terrorist group, politician or legislator, or common citizen. The ones who are violated me and skaters for the longest period of time have been the police because they are the ones performing the actions that actually destroy people’s freedoms. They are the ones that attempt at the actions of the removal of Rights which can never be done.

Every single totalitarian society has only been manifested because of blind order following. It’s such a “brilliant” idea that we give a small group of people the right to kidnap, imprison, harass, steal, and kill people. So that we can be protected from people who kidnapped, harassed, steel, and kill people. The majority of military and police officers don’t even know the difference between right and wrong, they have no true conscience or more understanding. If they did they would not be performing the actions that they are performing all around the world.

Is the possession of marijuana actually a crime? No, it is not because it does not create any victim, it does not violate other peoples rights, but when a cop enforces man’s law onto an innocent being with the possession of marijuana, the cop is now committing a form of violence whether they are conscious of it or not. What had happened is that they have victimized a person for them exercising their natural inherent rights, thus the cop is initiating a form of wrongdoing towards innocent beings.

The good/bad cop question can be disposed of decisively. We need only to consider the following.

1. Every cop as agreed, as part of their job, to enforce laws – all of them.

2. Many of these laws are manifestly unjust, cruel and wicked.

3. Therefore, every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

All police and military do is protect the current slave system that is permeating the entire world and the elites that rule this world.

They have taken an oath to uphold all man’s laws whether they are based on coercion and violence or not. Ultimately at the end of the day, the police and military are the ones destroying more around the world than any order giver or civilian. Because of the sad fact is they are the ones to actually commit the action that manifests the result of violence into existence. The order giver only writes it down or speaks it, whereas the older follower is the one who actually took the action. This is why they are called dogs because they bark on command, they have been broken or domesticated by their masters. They are attacked dogs, which ware dog tags like it’s some kind of badge of honor. The police were originally set up to protect the elite class from the slaves that might stand up and rebel, it always has been this way and always will. Because consciousness has not changed within the dynamics of the aggregate of humanity in the mind.

When did we ask a question who is more morally culpable for the destruction of freedoms that take place? The Honest and painful truth is that it comes down to order followers.

The older follower always bears more moral culpability than any order giver, because the order follower is the one who actually performs the action, and in taking such action, actually brought the resultant harm into physical manifestation.

Order following is the pathway to every form of evil, and chaos in our world. It should never be seen as a “virtue” but anyone who considers himself to be a more human being. Order followers have ultimately been personally responsible and Morally culpable for every form of slavery in every single totalitarian regime that has ever existed upon the earth!!!

Since the military and police forces allegiance is to man’s law, it is completely obvious to see that if you support, consent, or condone the immoral behaviors of the military and police you yourself cannot be in alignment with natural law. You are an ancillary Cult member. One cannot support the military and police forces and be in alignment with natural law these ideological concepts are definitively antithetical to each other.

They’re a bunch of cheap whores! Taking a paycheck to do what they’re told without ever judging for themselves whether they should be performing that action. This is very easily provable and readily recognizable.

Don’t take me the wrong way, I am not trying to inspire fervor or any kind of violent action towards these people, these people are sick and have been traumatized and put under deep conditions of mind control. If anything I try to help people to see this fallacious mindset and blind obedience and how it has caused the most catastrophic destruction of freedom in history. They need to be educated and taught to fully follow their moral compass through rehabilitation. They need to be reached out to by their mothers and sisters brothers and fathers to explain to them that all military and forms of coercive authority or incomplete opposition to freedom.

All man’s laws are complied with due to fear of punishment through means of coercion back by violence!!!

Where there is no victim there is no crime meaning there is no violation of another being’s Rights or their property.

Most of man’s laws actually create more pseudo-crimes than protect you from real crimes. Every time they pass the new legislation or create a new law, it makes a new pseudo criminal. If man’s laws happen to be in harmony with true moral law, then it becomes a irrelevant unnecessary and redundant.

Every action that violates another person is wrong whether it’s from a cop military person or any other form of institutionalized belief systems.

Since the Natural Law of freedom states that morality and freedom are directly proportional. This means that as more actions that violate people’s freedoms are manifested into reality less freedom is present. Or in other words as morality increases in the aggregate of any society, freedom increases, as morality declines in the aggregate of any society, freedom declines. By the standard, we can understand that blindly following orders that are immoral and that lead to the destruction of other people’s freedoms will never result in freedom. So, no they are not protecting anybody’s freedom, they are actually destroying it. On a very small level, you will see them actually doing small amounts of good. But this is the same with any militarized police force. Look at the Nazis, they were out executing Jews at one time and then coming home and feeding and loving their family. Does this negate what they were doing to the Jews? No, it does not, just because they were coming home and feeding their family does not mean that they were not bad people for blindly following their orders and murdering people.

I have never had one police officer protect me if anything I have had every single police officer steal my time and my freedoms, especially as a Human and skater. And most skaters have had knees in their backs for exercising freedom. The majority of skaters do recognize this, they have always been (in the majority) against forms of authoritarian coercive systems. This was one of the rebellious foundations of skateboarding, they were standing against the violence that the police performed on people for exercising their freedom.

I support no forms of coercive authority, I support no forms of order following, I support no forms of the dominator slave system that has entrenched and permeated every part of this world. (May these people find true peace, may these people connect to their true heart. May these people awaken to the true light of their nature. May these people be healed. May these people be a source of healing for all others. May these people be happy. And may these people start to stop doing what they’re doing and to help spread true freedom across the world. – May these people QUIT THEIR CULT!)

The military and police force is a blatant form of mind control to initiate war on innocent. Freedom has always been taken away by the hands of order followers. By definition order followers are not exercising discernment of right action over wrong action for themselves, they have to abdicate that personal responsibility over to an “authority” figure, to make that decision for them. Once one studies history it is readily recognizable that all military forces have been immoral and useless to the betterment of mankind. Military is there to protect man’s laws, which are based in more relativity, complied with only due to fear of punishment, based on social Darwinism. Man’s laws are erroneous dogmatic beliefs.

Sense NO older followers truly exercising conscience, and will carry out actions that they have been ordered to perform, even if those actions cause violence onto other beings, no order following the history of the world can say they are truly a moral human being until they quit their cult.

In the end order followers have always been responsible for the most absurd atrocities that have ever accosted Mankind.

“I was just following orders” is never a valid excuse or justification for immoral, criminal behavior, and this lame attempt to abdicate personal responsibility should never be excepted as a valid excuse for such behavior.

The military is not a militia, a militia is the people themselves, each and every man of a nation that is capable of wielding arms to defend against tyrannical threats whether foreign or domestic. I know tons of people that have joined the military, I have family members that were in service, and every single one of them knows that they should not have been doing these actions. Soldiers throughout history have written about it and warned against it, but the children have failed to listen or to learn the lessons from the past.

No matter what the ends are the means must be fully justified for the ends to be justified. The idea of joining sports with military is just like all other sports, a manipulation propaganda tactic to romanticize war to our children. Thus, why there is so much war propaganda over the media and entertainment etc.

Most people that join the service are joining for a paycheck… No more action can be justified for a paycheck, never has and never will be. Money is there God. Until we recognize that all order followers have always been the destroyers of freedom we will not see freedom anytime soon.

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders in the crease. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good personal resistant evil system with his or her whole soul.” – Gandhi

The real heroes are the ones to stand against us and refused to take part in the evil that is running amok.

The military and police force are simply a cult. What is a cult? A system of false religious veneration and devotion which expels believes that are dangerous, especially to the lives, rights, and freedoms of those who are not its members.

Authority is an allusion existing only within a diseased psyche, based entirely and violence and built upon the erroneous dogmatic believe that some people are masters who have the moral right to issue commands, where others are slaves to have the moral obligation to obey the masters.

Order followers erroneously believe that they possess rights that others do not have. Due to their cult indoctrination, they refused to accept the truth that everyone has the exact same rights, and no one has any more or fewer rights than anyone else. The cult of order followers believes that human beings can decide what rights people have or do not have, based on the whims of their waiving perception. They also believe that human beings are actually capable of delegating rights that do not exist or revoking rights that do exist. You can never delegate a wrong.

All one has to do is look at the techniques that they use in the military services and then compare them with Ancient occult techniques of mind control.

1. Isolation; physical separation from the rest of the community, creation of an us versus them mentality and, demonizing outsiders, those who don’t belong.

2. Conformity; no individuality tolerated, one’s own identity must be completely shed or broken. Uniforms create sameness in appearance, uniform means 1 form (collectivism). Sameness in speech and behavior, copycats repeat after me or be discharged.

3. Indoctrination; rigid schedules in instructions, repented of behavioral, repeating phrases, chants or songs.

4. Trauma; hi levels of activity to the point of exhaustion, low sleep time and disrupted sleep, high carbohydrates, and low nutrient diet. Verbal and psychological abuse, unexpected, sudden and shocking scenarios, a perpetual atmosphere of fear.

These are soft and hard based mind control techniques they always have been used against the children to make them into puppets for war. Bullshit, the military is a blatant form of mind control to initiate war.


By Brandon Marin