Good And Evil?
Good And Evil?

Good And Evil?

There is such a thing as good and evil, considering that we have the capability to know whether we should or should not perform certain actions that gives us the responsibility to act upon that knowledge in accordance with that understanding. Through our natural functions of consciousness, we presuppose these fundamental philosophies and value judgments. They are built into our minds and have evolved in conjunction with the evolution of our awareness.

Evil is simply a choice that results in violence it is not something that is performed without a being with the capacity for holistic intelligence. There are different degrees in nature, and different levels of experience, and at this level of experience good and bad do matter because it means the difference between Freedom and Slavery. Freedom is always 100% good, slavery is always 100% bad. Whether we want to accept that or not is irrelevant that’s what it is. Right and wrong behavior is coming down to the simple question: do my behaviors lead to consequences of a violation of other beings or the destruction of freedom? If it does, then it is absolutely immutably, unwaveringly, a wrong behavior.

When it comes to the idea that there is evil within nature, this is an ancient superstitious dogma that we have been programmed with through religious ideologies. There is no evil in a tornado that is taken at your house, but there is evil in martial law and slavery. There is no evil in a flood that has destroyed your crops, but there is evil and acts of arson and vandalism. this is due to the primary fact that there is no preconceived intention of the act of harm that has taken place. In short, nature is not willfully and intentionally destroying your house out of malice, spite, or any other negative psychological manifestations. You are very different than plaque and a fire, because you have the ability to make a choice you are not predetermined to do the things you do. Fire or plaque is completely choiceless, absent of the ability to discern right action from wrong action. You on the other hand have the capability to do that giving you the ability to respond thus it is a responsibility. We can look at a tree for example. The tree is less segregated from the collective consciousness, meaning that it has less ability to govern these energies to receive a result. It is in a natural state of balance within the two energies that usually in the majority results in good. Even though we might look at a tree dying is something bad or evil it is actually in the natural state of balance that is supposed to exist in. Humans on the other hand are at such a distance of this auto/determined aspect of nature that they have the ability to wield these two energies into balance so that the result will be good in which determines a much more broader governing dynamics to the consequences of our behaviors.

Everything that is evil destroys freedom, everything that is evil limits the potential for freedom to manifest.
Since we have the capacity to understand the difference between the objective notions of right and wrong behavior, this gives us the ability to respond or the responsibility to that knowledge to uphold those ethical principles, not only if we say we want freedom we have to meet the requirements of it because we live in a reality-based and cause-and-effect but also we have to recognize that evil only exist within beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence.

You are not separate from Nature; you are Nature but just because you are nature does not mean that there are no right and wrong or good and bad. We are indeed a component of nature but in nature each being varies will complexities and are experience here happens to be that we have free will to a very high to degree. It’s one of the most beautiful things about human beings, that we have the ability to choose to do good because we conceive of it ourselves not because it is forced upon us. Natures true homeostasis is balance, freedom is true balance.

Since human beings have the capacity to wield positive and negative energy dualistically, they now have the responsibility to understand the natural homeostasis of those two energies together. When I am speaking of positive and negative energies, I am not referring to them as good nor bad, positive and negative energies that are underlying the foundation of creation are simply neutral energies like the positive and negative side to a battery. Neither of these are good nor bad until they are wielded. The level of consciousness that is wielding these energies determines the outcome or result. If the energies are radically out of balance and are being wielded improperly, the consequences will be catastrophic especially in the aggregated. Vice versa if those two energies are put into balance or a natural state of homeostasis, and the being chooses to do what he knows to be right in the face of all the fear, he is putting himself in the most natural state of his true being he could ever be in because it is aligning consciousness and actions in the universe to be in homeostasis with that which is or Truth and Natural Law. There is such thing as objective good and bad, objective morality, objective right and wrong and it is not because “man has said so,” this is something that is built inherently into the governing dynamics of the consequences of human behavior that is determined by nature itself.

We must be careful not to anthropomorphize energies with the concepts of good and evil. Positive and negative are neither strictly good nor evil. These are archetypal human characteristics that we have applied to these energies. When we anthropomorphize positive and negative energies to human characteristics we are engaging in a logical fallacy. You do not look at the negative side of magnetism and say that that is evil, you do not look at the negative side of electricity and say that that is evil. When the battery is in proper working order the energies of electricity are in harmonization. We do not say that the negative side of the battery is bad so that we must annihilate, the truth of this matter was at the negative was not there than the balancing agent would not be taking place in which the result would not be good so we would not get a charge for our flashlight etc. These are metaphorical expressions in which that we have applied human characteristics to which has degraded the actual information that is standing within these two energies. Positive is neutral and negative is neutral it is how these are balance that determines the result of good or bad. To justify all the evil doings in the world through this fallacy, is exactly why evil is overtaking the world it is a form of MORAL RELATIVISM. This puts one in the position to say that I do not have to do anything to create change. That this is a natural cycle and will play out the way that it is supposed to play out. This is also the religious thinking of pre-determinism, the absence of an individual’s ability to create change through freewill action.

I have been tangling with this for quite some time now and I’ve come to see this fallacy of how we look at these energies. As the balance of the two energies comes into harmony determines the result. If positive and negative are properly balanced with each other, then the result is good, if positive and negative are at an imbalance with each other, then the result is that which we call evil. Also, gray is not necessarily the middle path if you take a plate and you split it into two halves one side black, and the other side white. The gray can move across the plate into dramatically imbalanced scenarios. What I mean is that if dark or negative energy is overtaking the light the middle path and the gray is still there in which that it is still part of the problem which is creating an imbalance within the manifested world. gray can waiver dramatically depending on which energies are in control or overtaking one another. If the darkness is overtaking the light the gray is still existing, yet the light is diminishing. If the light is overtaking the darkness the gray is still existing but yet the darkness is diminishing.

To resist evil is an expression of true enlightenment, because to resist evil means the absence of ignorance which is the presence of knowledge. We cannot justify evil behaviors through the balancing nature of the energies within the universe this is a logical fallacy. This is where we are trying to mold the universe and to our liking, so that we allow these imbalances to take place. It’s a very strong tactic of the ego mind in times of such current in balance it is necessary for light to step up and shine brighter so that the balance may be manifested. is like electricity or magnetism.

When we look at our behaviors and justify evil actions that are being manifested through nature this is one of the biggest tenants of abdication of personal responsibility to create change. You cannot enlighten the light; you can only enlighten the darkness. Freedom is directly proportional to the education and morality of the aggregate of humanity. Chaos is but the teacher, it is only whether we are willing to learn the lessons that chaos is teaching will we actually expand, and grow orwe will be on the constant insanity of repetitive cycles of self destruction. Problems are not supposed to be repetitive, problems are supposed to evolve along with the consciousness itself. When the problems do not evolve it is simply because the consciousness that which is observing the issues has not learned lessons in which we have not diagnosed the causal factors of the issue nor have we actually applied action to change the causal factors to get a different result. Problems are meant to evolve with the expansion and evolution of consciousness, if the problem does not evolve and we are stuck in a repetitive cycle of un-change.

By Brandon Martin (2014)