The conference will be multi-streamed on many platforms but the main 2 will be YouTube and Twitch! Make sure to SUB or Follow on those platforms to get notifications when we go live. WE GO LIVE AT 9:45am EST on SAT 23rd and SUN 24th.
Click the Social Link above for the direct channels!

James Cordiner

James Cordiner is a Father, Husband, Anarchist, Podcaster, Student and Teacher of Natural Law. From a young age, James has always lived by one simple motto, “Think for yourself, question authority”. Conforming has never been an option, but friendship and social interaction has always been important to James. [A sense of purpose has always been a driving factor in James’s life. In 2005, James experienced what would be the biggest loss he would have in his early life. This event led him down a path to discover who we are and where we are going in this world. The questions of the universe were brought to James’s mind. The quest was on. Fast forward to 2019. James decided to start a podcast called “Out From the Undertow”. Soon after, he changed the name to “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Truth” and the rest was history. In 2022, James, along side good friend Joe Murray, created the first ever “Shattering the Illusion” online event. It was at this event that James also gave his first ever formal presentation title “ADHD: A Modern Attack on Free Thinkers”. Later that same year, along side good friend Sean McCann, James began co-hosting/ producing for “Black Pill Digest”, a monthly show with the intention of lifting the veil on many dark and gloomy subjects/ events with hope to inspire change. Our actions in the present determine our future, what will that mean for James? Only time will tell.
Truth, Love and Freedom above all else.
Links – https://www.freeyourmindne.com]

Brandon Spencer

Bio – A Nobody, Yet Somebody!
LINKS – https://taplink.cc/brandonspencer
Nate Kap

Nate Kap is an Independent Researcher, Symbolist, Public Speaker, Founder of the Cubbywhole Website, Host and Editor of the Cubbywhole Podcast, with Specialized Skills in Graphics and Esoteric Art. He is a teacher of Natural Law, Morality, The Occult, Consciousness, Esoteric Freemasonry, Symbolism, Esotericism, Mind-Control, Allegories, Green Language and much more. His goal is to De-Occult knowledge for the laymen, help reduce slavery, Align in Truth and generate Freedom.
Links – https://cubbywhole.com
Douglas Martin

Douglas Martin is a Symbolist, Independent Researcher, Author, and Public Speaker with Specialized Knowledge in Cinematic Language and Anthropology.
Links – https://onegreatworknetwork.com/douglas-martin
Brandon Martin

Brandon is an Independent Researcher, Symbolist, Alchemist, Philosopher, De-Occultist, Abolitionist, Verarchist, Public Speaker, Founder of the S.E.E.D. Conference in 2015, Founder of the S.E.E.D. Truth Academy in 2021, Co- Host of the Cubbywhole Podcast, with Experience in Graphics Design and Event Organization. With a background in Professional Skateboarding and music. He is an activist for Natural Law, True Freedom, Esoteric Freemasonry, Thelema, and the Hermetic Arts. He has the goal of inspiring an evolutionary shift into a Moral society through raising Consciousness at the individual level. Through his Presentations, Videos, Podcast, and Essays he attempt to take people on an inward journey of introspection and self-exploration, examining Human Consciousness, Metaphysics, and the way these things pertain to the Universal Problems which we all currently facing as a species. He has won 2 awards for his work, the One Great Work Achievement Award appointed to him by Mark Passio in Philadelphia 2019 and the Excalibur Award at the SEED 3 Conference in 2017 appointed to him by Douglas Martin.
Links – https://linktr.ee/brandonmartin93
Mark Devlin

Mark Devlin is a UK-based club and radio DJ, music journalist and author. As a DJ he has played gigs in over 40 different countries. In 2010, he underwent what he refers to as a conscious awakening, bringing a new awareness of what’s really going on in this world. His special area of interest was how this ties into the mainstream music industry, and the way in which A-list artists have been used to manipulate and mind-control the masses in line with a much larger agenda. He now presents public talks on these subjects, as well as appearing on radio, and producing two regular podcast series. In early 2016 he published his comprehensive book, ‘Musical Truth.’ Its follow-up, Volume 2, appeared in early 2018, with Volume 3 in late 2021.
Links – www.djmarkdevlin.com

Logan Hart

Logan Hart is a spiritual student and teacher, presenter, podcaster, musician, producer, voice actor, cryptocurrency enthusiast and self-employed entrepreneur living near Dallas, TX. Logan is a voluntaryist, pagan, psychonaut, naturalist, syncretist, animist, and has been a student of Natural Law for over 10 years. His spiritual journey has brought him to work and study in the areas of metaphysics, psychology, healing, shamanism, paganism, epigenetics, rune divination, meditation, breath work, and much more. His primary undertaking is to help humanity reclaim our individual & collective sovereignty, by gaining a deep understanding of the True Universal Principles, and the rejection and dismantlement of all physical, mental, and spiritual systems of slavery. He is highly motivated and inspired by working with people, educating and assisting others with fundamental knowledge about the cosmic and mental laws of reality, and collaborating with other leaders and visionaries to bring powerful creations of truth, beauty and freedom into the world. Logan is the creator of The Wizard Factory, a spiritual philosophy platform featuring a video podcast show, and various courses & services. He is also the creator of Heartfire Visions, a digital media production company offering graphic design, web design, video production, voiceover, music production and more. In 2019, Logan composed and produced the original film score for Mark Passio’s “The Science Of Natural Law” Documentary. To learn more about Logan and his work, please explore the links below.
Links – https://linktr.ee/loganhart
Leslie Powers

Leslie Losinger Powers …a lover of nature, art and philosophy, as well as a seeker of truth and freedom. I am a clinical social worker, mental health counselor, consultant on mental health and trauma, and mentor for life coaches. I have good insight into human psychology, the effects of trauma, holistic health strategies and how they integrate with natural law principles. Having yearned for truth and asking deep questions since I was a young girl, I continue today with an internal drive to keep learning and share what I have integrated. I aspire to inspire others so that we may all live healthier, happier and freer lives. My content is an integration of my interests and experiences in social work, psychology, human potential, mind/body/spirit health, habit change, natural law, philosophy, creative expression, mystical and occult studies, real life relationships and parenthood. I see the human potential to thrive As we live our sacred purpose, Aligning with natural law and Claiming our right to live freely.
Links – https://alivethrive.life

Will Keller

Will Keller is a Freedom activist, animist, anarchist, public speaker and a father. Will is the co-host of Natural Freedom League video series and a content creator for the One Great Work Network. Will Keller is devoted and morally obligated to increase awareness on the causal factors of suffering for humanity and to expand the understanding of the current human condition by educating the public on crucial topics such as conscious parenting, human psychology, human behavior, objective morality, Natural Rights and Natural Law; the Universal Laws of Nature. All of these topics are inseparable for understand and achieving True Freedom for Humanity.
Links – https://linktr.ee/will_keller
Chris Jantzen

Chris Jantzen is a Carpenter, Philosopher, Podcaster and Copywriter. He is working on educating folks about Natural Law. Taking the initiative towards positive solutions to the current world problem. Understanding the difference between right and wrong. Objective morality replacing moral relativity. A father and a friend. One who questions and imagines. A group Facilitator, Inspirational Speaker and Motivational Coach Check out ChrisJantzen.Com to join the One Great Work Warriors email list and action group.Looking for other brave truth seekers to help in the efforts of ENDING EVIL. Chris began the End Evil Podcast in order to reach more humans in the hopes of defeating evil. Like a cancer, stealing has become normalized in the form of man’s laws, taxes, wars, and coercion. To change this dynamic it is vital that we change ourselves from the inside until we reflect and resonate with the truth. Freedom is required in order to experience peace. Together we can combine our strengths and creative works to ignite a renaissance of art, imagination and free expression. Trade and value can flourish when coercion is not tolerated. This is the self defense principle which is so lacking in our modern culture. The modern culture is one of subtle slavery. As Jeremy Locke explains so eloquently, “Evil Is The Destruction Of Freedom”.
Links – https://endevil.life

Bryan Easterday

Bryan Easterday is a husband and father and lives in rural Kansas where he and his family run a 10 acre farm focusing on pasture raised livestock using holistic management and rotational grazing. He is also a Jyotishi (Vedic astrologer) and founder of Eye of the Storm Astrology channel, student and teacher of universal laws and an author of the book “The Manifestation Map; Unlocking the Magic of the Cosmos”. Beyond that Bryan also teaches on a variety of other subjects. Such as various animistic traditions and their practices. He prides himself on teaching natural law in an easy to understand format which is focused on solutions, empowerment and creating a warrior mindset.
Doriane Greens

Doriane “Greens” Sarrasin is an independent dancer, artist, researcher, and natural healing advocate, from the South of France, currently based in Asia. Upon seeing the importance of spreading the message of Natural Law, Truth, and Freedom, Doriane started to incorporate it through dance, art, handmade creations, and video content. Doriane creates monthly videos, such as the Memento Vivere Episodes which can be found on the Connection to Truth (channel in English) and Connexion à la Vérité (channel in French), as well as dance videos on her channel Doriane Greens, to invite people to self reflect and start doing the Great Work themselves. Doriane studied Chinese Language, Literature and Civilization at the University of Provence and holds a Master Degree in research in Asia and Pacific studies.
Links – https://www.dorianegreens.com

Patty Lager

Patty Lager is an anarchist, a naturopath, and a college professor. Although Patty began her journey working to become an allopathic medical doctor, she soon realized that drugs and surgeries often left people worse off than they began before these interventions. She began to see that the business of medicine was exactly that: a business. Former cheerleaders turned pharmaceutical sales reps were responsible for educating physicians about the drugs they were pushing, and there were many incentives offered to influence physicians to prescribe more of the drugs they were selling. After leaving medical school, Patty later went into medical research working to attain a Ph.D. in immunology. She observed that most of the research performed in universities was ultimately funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Being an ethical vegan, it was very challenging for her to participate in animal research. Patty knew she had to leave medicine and scientism behind as they were not virtuous industries. Patty took time off, spent time playing music in several bands, and later became a college professor. She primarily teaches human anatomy and physiology. Even though many of her students are working to enter the allopathic medical field, Patty stresses the importance of Nature as she explains the physiological processes within the body. Patty has been teaching for over 20 years, and during this time she did become a Traditional Naturopath (NOT licensed nor restricted by the state). She has spent most of her personal time studying natural hygiene, herbal medicine, and homeopathy. Patty has been personally mentored by both Dr. Robert Morse and Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Patty also considers Rudolf Steiner a spiritual mentor and enjoys reading his many great works. Outside of teaching, she helps ill clients regain lost health by offering health consultations through her website, Natural Law Health. Patty also educates natural health professionals about the human body.
Links – https://www.naturallawhealth.com
Mark Passio

Mark Passio is an anarchist, independent researcher, public speaker, internet talk show host, documentary filmmaker, technology seminar instructor, conference organizer, lead vocalist, and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA. Mark has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In 2007, Mark began presenting this information in the form of a presentation series entitled What On Earth Is Happening, with the intention of bringing the implications of this body of knowledge to greater public awareness. Mark launched his own website in 2008 at WhatOnEarthIsHappening.com. In 2010, Mark began hosting his own internet radio show, also called What On Earth Is Happening, which has hundreds of episodes to date. Mark was one of the co-founders of the Free Your Mind Conference, the Philadelphia-based conference on consciousness, mind control and the occult. Mark has taught intensive live seminars, including Natural Law, Street-Wise Spirituality, New Age B.S., and De-Mystifying The Occult. Mark is the creator and instructor of How to Become The TRUE Media, an online technology seminar founded by Mark in 2020, which teaches best practices for communication and publishing in the digital age to aspiring content creators. Mark is the creator and curator of One Great Work Network, a privately-organized collective of conscious individuals, who each create dynamic content for the purpose of spreading the message of Natural Law, Truth, and Freedom to a worldwide audience. In 2021, Mark released his first feature-length documentary film entitled Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law, which focuses on the core of his teaching regarding morality and freedom. Mark was also the founding member and lead vocalist of the Philadelphia-based anarchist hardcore-punk band, The Founders.
Links – What On Earth Is Happening
One Great Work Network
How To Become The TRUE Media
The Founders
Dylan McCormick

Bio – Coming soon…
Sethikus Boza

Black Earth Productions unveils a unique blend of ancient metaphysical; transformational wisdom in proper knowledge attributed to the ancient arts of gnosis; cosmic law; alchemy; and other occult art and sciences in terms of the Universal Laws of Metaphysics and the Eternal Axioms; and what some would term as Planetary High Magick; with all of this through process integration of your own soul code genetics you are then positioned to potentially move through the process of integrating the Original Template of consciousness; this essentially is an even more ancient occult science that has not been available on this planet until recently as it’s been; and brings all of the concepts of the true sacred arts back into their true holistic and organic practice before they were hijacked and thrown on the inverse in all the ways they have; twisted and limited thousands of years ago now.., All that is cultivated within the gridworks of the reality fields in our Universe on a multidimensional level has potential to manifest into the physical.., as above.., so below.., as with.., as without.., for as men and women think into their hearts; so they will be; it is all about our State of Mind; and to the “war on consciousness” in this reality field that has been taking place to keep you and humanity enslaved and ignorant of what gridworks they are linked up to via their gentics; it is to be well aware of that but making what is beyond it all; Focus; aside the true intelligence of the heart vortex which is the direct gate to the highest; but to discover what you are truly connected to via your genetics; and how to truly face and overcome these things within yourselves; breaking the chains of slavery and manifesting a reality that is holistic and in alignment with highest gridworks that exist beyond what is called the Astral Barrier; this has been one of the major goals; to bridge the worlds again. Know that you will face impediments upon entering the gates of the Black Earth; but what is taught is designed to move you through and bring you back to your true self; self mastery and your true potential which is in alignment with your core essence. Black Earth Productions presents proper knowledge; and skill sets that you can apply directly to you every day practical life; and through direct counseling in terms of Initiation; and other services that are provided.., this is here to assist you in this process with One on One Mentorship. As a transformational psychologist; I have had a very high success rate with many that have actually been willing to embrace this process; Know thy enemy; and even more; know thyself; and you will know the universe; what reality truly is; and you will come to know the force and power in co-creation with your soul code genetics which is kreator-source; all is within you; hope to hear from you soon!!

Cory Edmund Endrulat is a fellow human being and messenger of nature. Often referred to as an abolitionist (voluntaryist), author, speaker, inventor, teacher Of Natural Law, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (certified by the Institute For Integrative Nutrition) and video content creator. Host of the End Of Slavery Summit, featuring about 50 speakers and hundreds of resources. Main editor of The Liberator 2 newspaper, online and in-person, for advocating a voluntary free world, allowing anyone to collaborate and make a greater impact. He encapsulated the philosophy of nature in what he calls Naturosophy. His books include “Slavery Gone For Good: Modern Abolitionism,” “Sapientia Naturae: The Wisdom Of Nature,” “Naturosophy: The Guidebook,” “Nature’s Radical Honesty: A practical application of Naturosophy” & “Government Is Unnatural, Anarchy Is Natural: A practical analysis therein Naturosophy.” Originally from Pennsylvania, the birthplace of American independence. Specializing on topics concerning health, education, freedom, morality, self-created philosophy and action. All his works connects to his mission and message known as “Nature Is The Answer,” a movement created for anyone to use in sharing timeless and universal knowledge through the generations. His content includes interviews, resources, news, analysis, dot-connecting, documentaries, seminars, recipes, podcasts, live-streams and more! He is not afraid to talk about what some may call “taboo” subjects and actively encourages seeking beyond the consumer-based echo-chambers of society. Former populist statist, NaturalNewsBlogs writer and World of Warcraft guild leader. Share your own expertise with him and get involved with The Liberator 2 because we absolutely can change the world, but it depends on the movement that is all of us! his works connects to his mission and message known as “Nature Is The Answer.”
Links – https://taplink.cc/coryhealth?fbclid=IwAR0eoCfzAWdq1ZI3d9d07WVVC-9YfbNB89btaTMlzIp6Ck79129q9ADfyBg

Truth seeker and content creator for Evolve Consciousness. I started to put out my own work in 2014 relating to what is truth and morality, and their supreme importance in life, as well as what and how consciousness functions relating to the Trivium Method. I now have a family and full time job, but make content when I can. I am also one of the developers that helped to make the OGWN site. Below you will find the main Infographic and Video work I have done. My site has more Videos and Infographics as well as many Articles to read.

My name is Indica (Indy) Martin and I am truly an Indie author of the children’s book, Give To Nature and Nature Will Give To You – aka Junebug (Junebug Nature Books). This children’s book is available in English and also digital versions in French, Italian and Spanish on my website givetonataurebook.com. This is my first time writing any type of book which was about 4 (four) years in the making. I had never taken any classes onhow to create or write any type of book, but I had a strong calling to make this book a reality. This project is about caring enough to learn knowledge of nature’s laws from a variety of eclectic resources as well as letting go of the forced conditioning we have all experienced. This became a journey of the self, and I realized there were very important principles that needed to be acknowledged and talked about and especially, what information was being taught tand shared with children at a very young age. From what I have learned, we are here to understand and learn how to experience true natue, morality and know that we are connected to everything surrounding us.

Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce that Grant ‘Prezence’ Ellman, the multi-talented musician, record producer, and artist from Sedona, Arizona, will be taking the stage at the SEED 5 Conference on the 23rd and 24th of September!
Grant’s recent truth-bomb “Scam” shook the world but was censored from Spotify within a week of release, highlighting the power of his music and message.
After making waves with “Scam,” Grant ‘Prezence’ collaborated with legends Dicky Barrett and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on a song featured in The Highwire, proving that his impact extends far beyond the music scene.
Now, as a solo artist, Grant ‘Prezence’ tours internationally, gracing premier freedom and consciousness events like Anarchapulco and Defeat The Mandates, where his electrifying live performances inspire and uplift audiences.
Grant is fiercely devoted to his mission of spreading freedom, truth, and love through radio-quality records and captivating multi-instrumental live performances. His dedication to these values shines through in every note he plays.
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to witness Grant ‘Prezence’ Ellman live in action at the SEED 5 Conference!
For more information and to explore Grant ‘Prezence’ Ellman’s music, visit his official website: Prezence Music
Get ready for a musical experience like no other! #SEED5Conference #GrantPrezenceEllman #MusicThatMovesTheSoul

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