I’m an Independent Researcher, Symbolist, Alchemist, Philosopher, De-Occultist, Public Speaker, Founder of the SEED Truth Academy, S.E.E.D Conference, Co-Host of the Cubbywhole Podcast, with experience in Live speaking, Graphics Design and Event Organization. I am an activist for Natural Law, Freemasonry, and the Mystery Traditions. I am working on a few Books, and many Essays that pertain to critical topics for the betterment of the species. I have the goal of creating an evolutionary shift into a Moral society through raising Consciousness at the aggregate level. Through my presentations videos, Podcast, and Essays I attempt to take people on an inward journey of self-exploration, examining human Consciousness and the way these things pertain to the Universal problems which we all currently facing as a species. I have won 2 awards for the work I have done from the alternative community one of which is the One Great Work Achievement Award appointed to me by Mark Passio in Philadelphia 2019.
I touch on topics such as; Ontology, Philosophy, Mystery traditions, the Occult, Esoterism, History, Symbolism and much more such as:
Who are we? What is our purpose? Do we have value and meaning? Why do we hold onto certain dogmatic beliefs that give us more suffering? Why is the world is the condition it is in today? What does any of this have to do with the events we experience in our world?
In these many empowering presentations from a vast amount of researchers, and on this website, the following concepts and ideas will be deeply explored:
• Consciousness
• Truth vs Deception
• The Mystery Traditions
• Magic and Sorcery
• Worldviews and Presuppositions
• Objective Morality vs Moral Relativity
• What Human nature truly is.
• The basic nature of the problem we collectively face as a species
• The forces of Dark Occultism at work in our lives
• The multi-faceted methods by which human consciousness is manipulated on a daily basis
• The underlying agenda of those performing the manipulation
• What Natural Law is and how it contrasts with the law of man
• What Sovereignty and Anarchy really mean
• Epistemology and Philosophy
• Human Origins and Totemic sociology
• Grassroots Solutions
Anyone can employ this information to begin to turn the tide and heal the damage that has been done to our ourselves and our world rather than absorbing this information from a purely left brain/analytical point of view. I would suggest that one would gain the mass amount of clarity by engaging in the material with an open mind and an open heart and try to feel the information that is being presented from an intuitive point of view. The information contained in these presentations are not “my” ideas nor am I claiming to have “all” the knowledge necessary for the change to happen. I have found that this information has helped me personally the most and KNOW that without some of this knowledge such as Natural Law we will never make a change in human consciousness. I am NOT asking anyone to BELIEVE anything that is contained in theses presentations or on this web site, you need to make that decision for yourself and do your own due diligence into the topics provided. The whole purpose of this body of work is to encourage and inspire others to seek the knowledge that can lead them to a better understanding of themselves, and of our world.
Agape and Namaste!