The first thing I’m going to stay is, don’t believe me, come to this Truth on your own through deep and hard contemplation and a vast amount of research. I hope what I state below helps to initiate anyone on that pathway Truth.

Any form of the removal of my freedom of speech, when I am not doing any harm or violating anybody else’s Rights, is actually a violation of my Rights and my Freedom of expression. This kind of bullshit that is being propagated in the mind of the youth is an abomination to true education. This is a tactic of encroachment, over a long period of time, slowly start to chip away at the minds of the youth through cultural influencing from the media and social programs, to get them to remove their own freedom of speech, instead of directly removing it from them by force. What better way than to influence the minds of people by getting them all emotionally attached to certain words. It creates a stigma of communication between people because fear has been injected and there is no empowerment of the listener once they have become a victim of what they think about what other people say. People who fall for this or are already conquered and are under mind control.

The removal of freedom of speech leads to a divide between people because it creates fear within the minds of those people about what they, and others are going to say. It contracts the overall vocabulary and ability to express creatively with their words, falling into a strict authoritarian guideline of controlled speech. the most important philosophical point about freedom of speech is the ability to communicate ideas even those ideas that we do not agree with. Without this ability to freely express our ideas through uncensored words then we lose the ability to justify our ideas or challenge other people’s ideas that are erroneous and harmful. The most important thing is whether or not our ideas are based upon principles such as truth and morality. Censorship leads to the degradation of this freedom of discourse with philosophical notions. When someone is speaking the truth they do not worry about being challenged about the truth. Now of course one could get annoyed by the repetitiveness of ignorant people challenging them on the truth but the truth itself should be able to stand on its own and if you are one who stands by your work and the truth then of course you entertain and engage in as many conversations about your ideas as possible. Not only is this a way of you being able to challenge yourself to make sure your ideas hold up but also it is about challenging other people’s ideas to see if their claims hold up.

The purpose of freedom of speech is to ensure that ideas can be contended with in a civil and responsible manner so that through a process of education and diligence we can narrow and eliminate the dogma of our own assertions and claims. We each must be the embodiment of this philosophy and the truth to make change in our world and only during the final hours should re-result two physical force to ideas that threaten our freedom. We must exhaust our ability to raise another beings consciousness through discussion and conversation. Without the ability to share your ideas freely and through an uncensored means it devalues the individuals experience and point of view which may be unique to somebody else’s and could have great knowledge for them to bring their ideas to the table. if their ideas are moot then it will be easily dismembered by a person who is well-rounded and stands firmly in truth and morality.

“Political correctness is America’s newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance.”

– George carlin

It’s astounding how much freedom of speech is declining. Comedians are canceling gigs at colleges because they have to censor the jokes. Professors have to give their students “triggers warnings” or avoid potential “offense” of topics entirely, teachers are not allowed to talk about specific topics and forced to talk about others. Fact checkers dominate the social media arena, and social media mediators allow their bias to interfere with civil discourse. Corporations and authoritarian governments dictate what ideas are to be shared and which ones are not in the online space. The average ordinary person is afraid to be honest because of repercussions they may face including ostracizing or marginalization, and in some places even imprisonment. A person’s career can even be ruined if they say something in today’s society that is not in alignment with political correctness. 51% or more of college students favor rules to regulate a person’s speech, because they have been locked in a form of emotional mind control where they want everybody else to walk on eggshells around them so that they are not personally offended while holding a picket sign or banner out in the streets to express their ideas and concerns about other people’s ideas. The only reason they are capable of doing these things is because of freedom of speech whereas if you were truly living in an overt dictatorship these types of behaviors would be unacceptable. So the very thing that they are trying to dismantle they need to even be able to make a change for their concerns. Unfortunately there means to reach the ends for their concerns tends to be the application of more draconian measures through governments onto the innocent person.

This overly retarded PC culture has given rise to an enormous amount of censorship. People are constantly sanitizing and scrubbing “clean” their words to an Orwellian degree in order to avoid controversial topics in the fear of offending somebody. but when in fact that is an unclean way of speaking. reducing themselves of this level of the Nella speech leaves substance at the door in favor of conformity and mediocrity. It is very disrespectful not only to themselves but other people to think and behave this way. The main reason that it is based on lies, falsehood, deceit, fear, and repression. You could not be more of a coward to speak this way with people that you’re supposed to be having a healthy expansive relationship with. Supporting political correctness is nothing more than declaring your own obedience to the ruling class and is a metric of your level of mind control.

This shit is intentionally designed to create more tension amongst people, it creates nothing but a passive pathological dis-ease, instead of real conversations, with each social encounter talks become even more empty, vapid, and dry. This dichotomy is set up to create a social war, and there is no virtue in it whatsoever. It’s a bunch of pacified house slaves, that cower behind a wall of emotional anxiety and fear permeating their entire way of interacting with other people. The furthest distance between people is miscommunication and the highest form of miscommunication is based upon falsehood and cognitive dissonance.

It’s even gone so far that I’ve seen people get into it over “mean mugging”, claiming that the individuals giving him “hostile looks” somehow magically grants him the “right” to commit violence upon them. Got to be fucking kidding me, people have become so insecure and cowardly that can’t even look at people anymore without them getting “offended.” What should we curtsy for you as well? Get over it you!”

You will never get rid of racism or any other form of violent inequities by banning the words the people are using, Nor will it happen by censoring the ideas, it does not change the actions that those people will commit. It does not change the Causal factor which lies in the Consciousness of the individuals. if a person believes in an erroneous idea you have but two means to prevent this first and foremost is education by justifying your claims in a logical and rational way or I should say truly intelligent manner so that that person changes the way that they think about those ideas and thus changes their behavior. The other way is through physical force which then you still have the issue of those ideas being considered to be justified or acceptable.

Parents have the notion of trying to protect their children, and to a certain degree this is very necessary and instinctual. But what they fail to recognize is also one of the best forms of protection is teaching the children how to deal with reality. The reality that you’re going to run across people who do not agree with you, you’re going to run across people who may use words that offend you or harm you and how you react will determine your character in the face of those words. Do you reduce yourself to a screaming child or do you stand and face those unfazed because you know those words only hold power over you if you allow them to. You’re just training your children to be more paranoid and more fearful of what other people are thinking and saying instead of teaching them to be strong and courageous in the face of what other people might think of them or say about them.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” – George Orwell

The people who are using these words that are “unacceptable” become marginalized and ostracized because they are no longer within the social norms of the Overton Window of “politically correct” communication. in a major issue with this is when you can brainwash the entire population to see these ideas or words as harmful or under a banner of hate speech when in fact a lot of these ideas are the ideas that are challenging the authoritarian systems. An example of this would be if everybody started to see true anarchist as terrorist because of their ideas and the rhetoric that they espouse. if you can get people to believe that the words of liberty are in fact hate speech then you can get people to sacrifice their freedoms in the name of the “greater good.”

The only reason people are mad about this is that they’re under a form of emotional mind control. I don’t support any form of politics and it is completely antithetical to being correct. The Dark Occult are using this technic very well on people’s minds, there is nothing correct about that way of speaking. It is more so in the realm of madness, and vapidness. Just more Euphemisms so that people are more passably acceptance of the cultural conditioning programs that are running amok.

An example of this is the word government, which is a euphemism for mind control. What is more acceptable to the population of slaves? Saying that they live in a system of mind control or government? Well, they are far less likely to rebel if they are using the word government because it does not directly define through actual etymological definitive meanings what the system is. It gives a very ambiguous gap in the minds of the people when it comes to the definition of the word government. Retard is another example; people get mad because we use the word retard when people who poured concrete have to use a retardant to slow down the curing process. There are other meanings for these words that can be used as well, but it is of the essence that is of critical importance, and as you start to dilute and euphemize those outer coverings of the word it breaks down the overall understanding in the minds of the people. People used to be executed for speaking “curse words” in the Middle Ages, other people were executed for playing certain tones on a musical instrument this is all a religious dogmatic doctrine and it is mind control. This is a direct result of emotional mind control, propagated by the mastermind controllers that are running this world. And by golly, they are doing it well.

Only people who are allowing their emotions to supersede their intellect, logic, and rational judgment or a person who is mentally ill, that also has been under the same social conditioning/mind control have an issue with people using words in this context. Remember a mentally ill person wouldn’t get mad if a person spoke a word that they are normally offended about, in a different language, when they did not understand it or if they were never conditioned to perceive those words that way. This is plenty of evidence to show that this emotion is a condition that is programmed into us. Even within most of the mentally ill patients, I am not saying all of them but definitely, the majority of them are under cultural emotional conditioning as well. Because of what their parents and society have taught them they have emotionally ego identified with these words so that when other people use these words triggers an emotional response and trauma. But it doesn’t have to be that way if they were taught strength and how not to identify with certain words, now I’m not saying this would work for all of them either but the majority of them I guarantee it would improve the way that they react to when other people use certain words. It is ALL about the discipline of emotions and we are not given the proper tools to learn that discipline.

This works really well on the people who choose to freely engage in same-sex relations or any other form of sexual alterations. Because normally these people are very emotionally defined through the EGO and do not use the rational or logical faculties nor do they understand Rights very clearly because they don’t understand Natural Law. Of course, there are a few out there that do which is amazing but most of them completely are entrenched in the support of the State and Government. There is nothing wrong with them choosing to have voluntarily consentful sexual relations under Natural Law, they are not hurting anybody, but when they are trying to remove other people’s freedoms in any shape or form I don’t support it. They don’t have the Right to do so, meaning I don’t have the Right to do so either.

There are far worse and more critical things that are being spoken about out there, but people want to spend their time nitpicking about the certain word, this is what’s creating a divide between us instead of a higher form of communication. Which is through education, listening, and understanding. We all need to take the stance that, NO, we won’t stop using the words the way that I wish when I am not causing any destruction of other people’s freedoms.

People need to reappraise why they would ever approach another about this. They need to ask themselves very deep questions about why they would think this such as has there been a cultural program embedded into my mind that has influenced the way that I think and feel? It’s a lot harder for people to look into the mirror and see the True Self and say where am I under mind control, instead of pointing the finger outwardly. I have put in a humongous amount of time out of my life to be very educated on these topics because I CARE enough to do so, whereas most people are spending their time thinking about social gatherings and drinking more beer.

Words are not the problem and removing those words are never going to be a solution, if you remove the word from people’s vocabulary such as retard or gay, it does not solve the underlying issue that is backing the reason why people are really discriminating against others like that. Evil people will just come up with other words to replace those with and it’s just rearranging the chairs on the Titanic ultimately. This leads to a form of discrimination against the people using the words. I am not discriminating against anybody by using it in this way, nor am I violating anybody. I do not have the Right to forces people to stop using certain words, nor do I have the Right to infringe upon the vocabulary of the species, this is like trying to remove art because you are offended about it.

Freedom of speech comes with personal responsibility for what you say. So even though I am not an advocate for removing freedom of speech I also do not think that you should be chasing people down in the streets harassing people and belligerently battering them when they have made it very clear that they do not want to engage in communication or conversation. But this is different than these people going out and trying to censor other people through the means of government and big tech. Because you are punishing innocent people for the behaviors of people who do not take responsibility for the way they use their words.

It’s time that we understand that we must teach people to be vigilant and strong in the face of what other people have to say. Truth comes in all forms it doesn’t have to be pleasing or wrapped up in a pretty box. It doesn’t always have to make you feel good either.

Being offended is not a violation, it is not a wrong! Get as offended as you want!

By Brandon Martin