Authority and Natural Law;

Authority and Natural Law;

Authority and Natural Law;

Officer “friendly”: “If you are being completely cooperative with the police then there’s absolutely no reason for them to initiate violent aggression.”

Larken Rose: “Yeah, and if a slave does whatever his master says, he doesn’t need to be whipped. That doesn’t make slavery a good thing.”

The belief in “authority” is one of the most dangerous ideologies that has ever existed. It is one of the leading issues of humanities iniquities and inequities throughout history. As long as there is a belief in the legitimacy of “authority” there is the belief in the legitimacy of the claim of ownership over other people and their property. Whether it is racism or totalitarianism one of the root causes is in the claim of “authority” over another. Which in turn, is the belief in the legitimacy of Government which is ultimately a euphemism for Slavery. As long as people still believe in this erroneous dogmatic axiom, we will NEVER see true Freedom.

The definitions behind the words must be clarified to advance any conversation on this topic.

What is Authority?

Authority is synonymous with slaveowners. authority is the manifestation of a diseased psyche, which is based on fear, the refusal of truth, chaos, and abuse of control. Authority is the claim that you have a “Right” to other people and the property or product of their labor.

When I’m speaking of “authority,” I’m specifically referring to the claim of ownership over other people and their property (which in itself is a violation of another). I’m not talking about the idea of being the “authority” of yourself and yourself alone. That would be in a different context of what I am stating, which I would more accurately called Sovereignty rather than “Self-Authority.” This is why it’s so hard for people to communicate because these words have become so vague in the clarity or definitions, that the understanding between individuals starts to break down because of the ambiguity in these definitions.

This has nothing to do with me setting “rules” or anything like that. It ONLY has to do with Natural Law versus man’s law or the idea that man gets to arbitrarily decide what law is. We do not get to make the Laws of the Universe up, they are inherent and immutable, they stand whether anybody say so or realize it because they are based in Objectively, we can only come to discover and understand those Laws in hope to live in Harmony with them.

If I made up rules on my property that said it’s OK to murder and rape people does that make it ok or moral? No, it does not, because violate another and are out of harmony with Natural Law, it has to do with what actually happens in manifestations, whether or not there is a violation/harm taking place. It has to do with the Objective Truth of the conditions that have actually happened or will happen in manifestation.

The concept that backs all government is that man gets to make up arbitrary rules based on the whims of their perception which is based on moral relativity and hire people to enforce those with means of violence simultaneously calling that justice and virtue.

If there is no violation taking place, meaning that none of our Rights or Freedoms are being destroyed then there is no just cause for self-defense or the removal of those individuals. It all comes down to whether or not people are exercising morality or immorality.

 Sadly, in our world today most human beings erroneously teach their children the false religion of “authority” or in other words, blind unquestioning obedience, as the ultimate “virtue” instead of instilling and raising our young up to understand the truth about what this hideous dogmatic belief system is Slavery!!!

“Authority” actually is the pathway to every form of evil and annihilation of the freedom of innocent people. There is only one true “authority” and that is the Truth, there is no other authority and by way of proxy, most have been led to believe otherwise.

Whenever the aggregate of the society suspends its own discernment into truth, and objective morality on a mass scale the entire population ends up in a prison made by their own hands. Ignoring this will only fuel, and perpetuate it even longer, keeping the chains tightly squeezed around the necks of the children in this world.

Order following is the most despicable abomination that has ever been manifested on the face of the earth. Until we recognize this truth and stand against it, unwaveringly, immutably, courageously, and persistently we will not see change, we will get exactly what we deserve, more chains!!! Wake up your freedom is always at stake!

Natural Law is based upon principles and truth, it is inherent to creation. It is harmonized with, due to knowledge and understanding. It is universal immutable and unwavering. Natural Law is the body of Universal, non-man made, binding and immutable conditions which act as the governing dynamic for the consequences of human behavior. Natural law applies to all beings with the capacity for holistic intelligence.

When the living organism has the ability in the Mind to understand the Objective difference between right and wrong, Natural Law applies to them. Acting in harmony with Natural Law means exercising conscience or the willfully choosing of a morally correct/right behavior over an immorally wrong behavior, once the difference is clearly understood. True liberty is an essential property of objective truth and morality. Therefore, there can never be true liberty in a civilization that enshrines more relativity. When humans feel think consistently within Natural Law the result will be liberty. Until then, we are simply handed privileges disguises freedoms by our masters.

What is the result when we live in harmony with Natural Law?

When the aggregate of humanity lives in harmony with natural law and therefore are moral beings, they become and remain free and their society exists in the state of Order and Freedom.

What is the result when we live in opposition to Natural Law?

When the aggregate of humanity lives in opposition to natural law and therefore are immoral beings they become and remain enslaved in their society and exist in the state of Tyranny, Chaos, and Violence.

Man’s laws are based upon dogmatic belief and only complied with due to fear of punishment. Which always differs with location-based upon the whims of the false “Authority.” They change with time-based upon the whims of the belief/perception of the false authority.

Man’s law has nothing to do with the Truth of Freedom it only has to do with what man’s ego wants, it has nothing to do with whether Freedom is actually being destroyed or not, it only has to do with the claim of ownership over other people’s lives and what they can do with them.

Freedom and Morality are directly proportional, meaning that as morality increases in the aggregate of any given society freedom increases, as morality declines in the aggregate of any given society freedom declines.

Only through a firm understanding of Natural Law can the human race manifest freedom. I hope all this makes sense because this is the knowledge that needs to be spread far and wide because without the understanding of Natural Law freedom is but an idea that will be taken over by false authority which will end up in more tyranny.

If man’s law happens to be in alignment with Natural Law then it becomes irrelevant, unnecessary, and repetitive or redundant.

Freedom, morality and the human dignity of individual consist precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it and loves it.

There are three things I always talk about that definitively lead to slavery.

  1. Authority; an illusion existing only within the diseased psyche, based entirely on violence, and build upon an erroneous dogmatic belief that some people are masters, who have the mall right to issue commands, and others are slaves, who have the moral obligation to obey their masters.
  2. Moral relativism; the dangerous belief that human beings can decide what rights people have or do not have based on their own whims of personal ones and perceptions. They believe that human beings are actually capable of delegating rights which do not exist or revoking rights that do exist. That they get to decide what right and wrong is for themselves at any given time not based on the results of the manifestation. That is a rapist can decide that his action of rape is a right at the whims of his perception because he felt good.
  3. Ignorance of Natural Law; the willful disregarding of the discoverable Objective Knowledge of the governing dynamics of the consequences of human behavior.

The idea that you can give or delegate rights which you do not have, meaning “Authority” to other people, is an illusion and is only manifested through the ignorance of order followers.

The only time force is justified against other individuals is if they have initiated violence towards an individual or individual’s property, in which they have now relieved them of themselves from not having force being done upon them through self-defense from the victim of the violence. Where there is no victim there is no crime.

Sovereignty means that you are not a slave nor a slave masters in other words; you do not claim to own anybody, only that you rule/own yourself and your Rightful Property. Thus, you cannot make up arbitrary laws that are not in alignment with that which is forever Correct, True, and Objectively Moral.

Whereas, authority is based on moral relativity, the ideas that you can claim ownership over other people and their property on the whims of your wants and desires based on the waverable and relative perception of an individual or group.

 “They must find it hard to take Truth for authority who have so long mistaken Authority for Truth.”

~ Gerald Massey 

By Brandon Martin